🖤Discussion on relationship challenges and struggles we go through internally trying to create specifications in a partner. Unfortunately, there’s no DIY guide in creating a perfect man or woman.
🖤Hosted by yours truly: Annette @intheknow360 and Shani @shasmith79
Books referenced in the IG live:
Sweet Daddy’s Funeral by @shasmith79
Life of an Alpha Male by @dr.ouch
Relationshits by @dr.ouch
#sisyoucanthealhim #sisyougood👀 #sis #youcantchangepeople #youcantchangehim #healyourself #relationshipadvice #relationshits #lifeofanalphamale #drouch #ouchthismayhurt #sweetdaddysfuneral #alphafemale #betamale #alphamale #betafemale
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