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Candice Van Dertholen

Candice Van Dertholen Profile Photo

Self Mastery Life Coach, Mentor

I started as young single-mom of 3 children under the age of 4 learning how to navigate motherhood, a career while seeking education. My life transformed over the years as I hit my own rock bottom with depression. I had to climb my way out and find the path meant for me. For over a decade I have studied human psychology, behavioral science, life coaching, business management, leadership development. I have combined my knowledge and experience over the years to help empower others to step into the life they fully desire. I am relaunching my life coaching website after taking a step back during a busy season in life. I am now a military spouse, 7 years, and mother to all soon to be high school graduates with years of professional and personal development experience.

I have helped clients over the years redesign their thoughts in order to build new systems of belief. I look forward to this podcast as everything happens in divine timing.