💜Discussion on current black history makers. We will be discussing the following up and coming black authors, artists, and entrepreneurs.
- Ms. Shani Smith @shasmith79 @bookssjsmith (author/dancer)
- Mr. David Lloyd Marcus @dr.ouch (author/film director)
- Mr. Ron Marshall @perm650music (music producer)
- Mr. Elijah Schoolfield @iamzyecash (country singer)
- Mr. Derrick Thompson @ttcreativegroup (entrepreneur)
BTW, @shasmith79 new book “A Happy Place (Kema's Story)” is hot off the press.
Check this out on Amazon
💜Hosted by yours truly: Annette @intheknow360
#blackhistorymonth #blackentrepreneurs #blackauthors #blackartists #blackmovies #blackbrothersandsisters #blackpeople #blacklove🖤 #showlovebelove #ahappyplace #relationshipadvice #relationshits #lifeofanalphamale #drouch #ouchthismayhurt #sweetdaddysfuneral #alphafemale #ouchthismayhurt